Are you seeking
a professional translator in Italy?
German & English > Italian & Swiss Italian

About me
My name is Daniela Longinotti.
I am an Italian translator born and based in Italy, where I’ve dedicated most of my life to the art of legal, financial, insurance and marketing translations.
With over a decade of experience in Italian and Swiss Italian translation, you can depend on me to deliver outstanding services every time we work together.

Credentials and qualifications
UNI 11591:2022 certification
Qualified member of the Italian Association of Translators and Interpreters (AITI)
(Qualified Membership no. 210044)
Enrolled as qualified translator at the Chamber of Commerce and court-appointed translator
Enrolled in the Roll of Experts of the Chamber of Commerce (Ruolo dei Periti e degli Esperti) and court-appointed translator (Albo C.T.U., Albo Periti Penali) in Piacenza
Master in Legal Translation, Legal Translation from English into Italian
from CTI - COMMUNICATION TREND ITALIA S.R.L. in collaboration with L&D traduzioni giuridiche. 95/100
Master’s degree in “Technical-Scientific Translation”
from the Università degli Studi di Genova (Italy). 110/110 summa cum laude and worthy of publication. Publication: “Problemi specifici della traduzione giuridica: traduzione di sentenze dal tedesco e dall’inglese”, Quaderni del Dipartimento, Dipartimento di Scienze della Comunicazione linguistica e culturale dell’Università di Genova, 2009
Bachelor’s degree in “Translation and Interpreting”
from the Università degli Studi di Genova (Italy)
University degree in “Translation and Interpreting” (main field: translation)
from the Università degli Studi di Genova (Italy) (Erasmus stay at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria)
Diploma as an accountant and commercial expert
from I.T.C. G.D. Romagnosi – I.P.S.C.T. A. Casali di Piacenza (Italy)
CPD and CV available on request
Italian translations you can trust
As a UNI 11591:2022 certified translator, you can expect only the highest level of accuracy and adherence to confidentiality and GDPR obligations.
In Italy, translation is a non-regulated profession. Working with a UNI-certified translator gives you the security and peace of mind that you’ll be working with a third-party approved professional.
So-called certified translations are almost always required for legal paperwork to ensure that a document is accurate and complete. As a qualified member of the Italian Association of Translators and Interpreters (AITI), I can provide translations accompanied by a self-declaration of accuracy and conformity to the original supported by a certificate (renewed yearly) attesting the quality of services provided and professional qualification (in accordance with Sections 7 and 8 of Italian Law no. 4 of 14 January 2013 (governing non-regulated professions)). I am also a member of the Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer e.V. (BDÜ).
I have professional liability insurance.
With regards to sworn translations, I am also enrolled in the Roll of Experts of the Chamber of Commerce of Piacenza (Ruolo dei Periti e degli Esperti, PE/A/210) and I am a court-appointed translator in Piacenza (Albo C.T.U., no. 93, Albo Periti Penali, no. 20), under the category of Translators and Interpreters for German and English.

Continuous Professional Training
Regardless of my 16 years as a translator, continuous professional training is paramount to me, as it enables me to continue being competent in my profession.
In 2021, I took an online master’s in Legal Translation from English into Italian. I also regularly attend courses and webinars relevant to my fields of specialisation and linguistic combinations and to stay up to date with technological advances.
My commitment to continued learning means I’m also willing to learn how to use new CAT tools and work on new accounts to meet the needs of my client.